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Søster Høtsjing(s)

Hallo dere!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! (Nevada Day!)

Again I am short on time, (THERE IS JUST WAY TOO MUCH TO DO IN OSLO)

But the past few weeks something that has really stood out to me is the importance of completely focusing every aspect of your life on CHRIST. I promise that if you do this- you will see miracles and happiness and blessings and problems become solved. He is the answer to every single question.

last night I was thinking about how dang grateful I am to be in Norway (Seriously every single day I have AHA moments where it just hits me "Like holy crap I am in Norway and I know Norwegian and I am so dang grateful for it" but i decided to make a list of some life lessons I was thinking about, and here it is:

-Keep the commandments. Seriously. There is no easier way to find happiness.

-Life is dang short. Do what you need to do RIGHT NOW.

-Talk and THINK kindly about others.

-Never ever cut your hair.

-Karma is real.

-Keep a gratitude journal. Life is never going to be "perfect"

-You can CHOOSE to be happy.

-Think first. Then open your mouth.

-Don't put up with anyone's crap. (including your own. You can become the person you want to be TODAY. Start right now.)

-Keep Christ central in all things

-Just smile through it.

-Patience is a dang virtue.

-Be inspired by others success. Not defeated.

-Love the crap out of your family.

-Don't ever EVER ever let the fear of failing- keep you from accomplishing your dreams. You can literally do anything you put your mind to.

-Mothers are the closest example of perfect Christ-like love

-Forgiving people= PEACE in this life full of imperfect people.

To explain the title: Not a single normal Norwegian knows how to pronounce my last name, like even the ones who are extremely good at english can't do it-especially the G and the S right next to each other at the end hahaha so Høtsjing(s) is pretty much how you would say my last name right in Norwegian. haha That just cracked me up this week.

Hope everyone has an awesome Halloween and week! (send me pics of everyone's costumes and cute trunk-or-treating and trick-or-treating!!



Søster H.

PS: Do any of you little American's know Marcus and Martinus? They are these two little 14 year old boys who are pretty much Justin Beiber round 2. But they are from Norway, and the other day, my companion and I were just strolling down the street and there was a giant crowd of screaming girls outside of a bookstore, long story short- I have now seen Marcus and Martinus with my very own eyes. hahahah Yeah i have no idea how popular they are in the states, but it was just a funny experience.

Plan of Salvation Pumpkin


moods of norway 30 dollar beanies. nbd.

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