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At some point in your mission, "wanting to go home" stops being the better option.

You literally begin to forget who your family is. Which is something you never thought was possible.

And you start to fall in love with your new families in your new home.

Your heart will break. A lot. Mainly because of all the goodbyes. But then it will grow and grow and just keep growing the more people you meet.

With every investigator, every friend, every ward member, every district, every companion, and every area.

I have learned so much thus far on my mission. It's crazy how much can actually happen in 9 months.

Sooner than later, you are half way done.

You look back on all the anxious moments of frustration at the beginning-constantly wondering if you are going to even make it out alive! But then you get a hang of things. and time actually goes by faster than it ever has in your entire life. You get a hang of the language, you get a hang of what it really means to be a happy missionary. You get a hang of the schedule and the life of 24/7 dedication.

The sad thing is, time just keeps going faster. At some point, you are going to beg for it to slow down.

Every single day you are going to grow and learn. You will have hard days, but that is what makes you grow. You are going to look back and be SO grateful for your mission. You will grow closer to God, solidifying your testimony in the gospel.

You will probably say, "up to this point, this is the happiest I have ever been in my life."

I am so grateful for my mission.

See you in 9 months.

Søster H.

My Thanksgiving :)

Turkey bowl (?) Didn't participate but was still fun to see everyone!

Our cute friend Mari!

Had fun helping make the food :)

Street stand in Oslo :)

The sun setting around 4! :)

Sister Hill got a pic of me doing work hahahah (getting this gentleman's number)

Christmas decorating :)

Sister Hill. My favorite lady :)


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