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Every transfer a few missionaries get

to give their testimonies before they go home

and this past week a lot of sisters from our mission got to give theirs.

A sister's thoughts really stood out to me and she actually put into words exactly how I have been feeling about my mission.

She said that her mission has

bound her to God.

The song Come Thou Fount has the line, "Bind my wandering heart to Thee.." and that is exactly what her mission has done for her.

My mission has done the same for me.

I am bound to God

and I wouldn't have life any other way.

Have I ever mentioned how much I love my mission?

There are all kinds of fields full of animals in Norway, and I was just trying to take some pictures with lil' Sebastian when all of a sudden I was getting licked all over the place! hahaha I couldn't stop laughing.

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